Monday, June 29, 2009

Riddle Me This?

How do you entertain yourself for 36 hours of driving? Reading: check. Talking: check. Sudoku, sleeping, singing, eating: check check check and check. But the biggest entertainment of all? Taking pictures of course! half-way through our first day of driving, I decided to take pictures of the coolest and craziest names on the road signs! For your enjoyment, I give you my results! Have fun pronouncing some of them. Enjoy the awesomeness of the others!
I find this to be ridiculous!!

Pretty awesome, huh?

*HINT: This one rhymes with my last name!

Personal Favorite!


Kourtney Dawn said...

My favs were Tallulah and Yazoo!!! Awesome!!

Jordan said...

Awww you should've stopped by Oklahoma on your way! I love the pictures from your trip! Those signs are crazy!